Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to find Keywords, and use them Effectively

This article we'll cover keywords, an absolutely vital part of your internet marketing strategy because understand this keywords are the absolute backbone of the internet - it's the golden key to how your visitors and customers will find you. Get it wrong and you'll remain in the Internet wilderness - so listen up.
Free & Easy
Everybody knows that SEO works to get you listed at the top of Google's search results. Doing so brings traffic to your website. We also know that all of this activity is centred on keywords. How do you discover which keyword will bring you the most people? Thankfully, there is a free tool to help you do that. It's called the Google Keyword Tool. You can visit it here by Googling the term Keyword Tool External, its really that easy.
You can get as complicated as you want with this tool, but for our purposes here, I'm going to just give you an introduction on how to use it. Then, you should just get on the site and play around. You'll learn a lot quickly!
Basically, it works by telling you how many people search on your keywords every month. It also gives you suggestions for other keywords you might want to use. When you're finished using it, then you will know which keywords to use both on and off your website.
Top Tip
- there's many keyword tools out there, both free and paid-for. Now I've personally used a number but I keep coming back to the Google one - why? Its free, its easy to use and it delivers. Don't over complicate matters and believe me some of the other tools are pretty complicated.
Where To Put Your Keywords
It's important to make a note here about where to use these keywords. If you remember, being listed at the top of Google works in two ways. It depends on everything you do inside your website (on-page SEO) and everything you do outside your website (off-page SEO). Once you know the keywords you should target, you can begin including them in pages on your website. However, remember that Google works mostly based on what you're doing outside your website. Whenever a link points back to one of your pages, make sure it has the same keywords in the anchor text.
"What is anchor text?"
You may ask. Well, it's like this: You know that links can send you to other pages on the Internet when you click them, right? Did you ever notice that the words you click are different from the address of the page? "Anchor text" means the actual words you read and click on. You want that text to be the same as the keywords found on the web page it points to. Then, that particular web page is more likely to show up higher on Google's results page when people search for that keyword.
See how that works?
The same keywords both inside and outside your website are sending Google the same message. That's how Google knows to let people see your website at the top of their list. Don't make all your links 100% the same keyword, though. Google can penalize you for that. Instead, mix it up with a few others and use the main keyword 80% of the time.
Keywords can get complicated and nobody agrees completely on how much to use and where. But as a general rule, diversify your keywords a little. Also, when selecting keywords, the Google Keyword Tool will show you the amount of competition. Try to choose keywords that have lots of searches but not much competition. 
Before you leave the page, I would like to invite you to my new website.  It also has a blog and tons of information for today's online marketer.  Just click on my name and you'll be there straight away.  We're always trying to improve out here, so tell me what you think.  That's all for now, "Enjoy Your Coffee"

Michael Stanley

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