Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Get Response or Aweber

Chances are, you're probably reading this in hopes to find out whether GetResponse or Aweber is the right choice for you.
Let's face it.. If you are serious about your online business and desire to be successful online, then building your list is the best way to do it.
And GetResponse and Aweber are both of the most popular and reliable auto-responders on the web to do that for you!
As I have used both of the services, I will be showing you what I liked about each one and why I chose the service I currently use.
Now, I could go into detail about the nitty-gritty features of each one, but to save time, I'll just let you Google them!
Now let's take a look at:
GR was the first auto-responder I had every used. Why? Because it was cheap.. I knew that all of the TOP earners in the industry were using Aweber, but at that time, quality wasn't on my mind. (Pretty stubborn right? lol.)
It did, however, have some features that I liked:
  • Split-testing. As every online entrepreneur knows, split-testing multiple messages to see which one is the most successful is vital to generating success. GR offers up to 5 different messages per single message--while Aweber only allows 4.

  • Importing Messages. GR also allows you to import external, pre-made messages (such as MLSP) through the use of a code that takes maybe 5 minutes. I've never used this on Aweber, however, because I never needed to. lol.
After about a month of GR, no leads, and having to call tech support to figure out how to cancel my account and billing information, I switched over to Aweber--wishing I had done so, sooner..
Here's what I loved from the first time I used Aweber:
  • Web Forms. I absolutely love the customizable web forms that Aweber offers. (Like the one at the top of this page!) I never liked the GR web forms because of how plain they looked, how long they took to load, and not to mention, there was only 19.. (With my beautiful Aweber forms, I get 1-2 leads/day!)

  • Navigation. Simply stated. Aweber is so easy to navigate, even my dog could do it. lol. As well as it takes you through setting up your first web form and list!

  • Facebook Tab. Aweber has an app on Facebook that allows you to link one of your web forms as a tab on your Facebook Fan Page. (Very helpful to increasing lead generation!)

  • Subscriber Activity. Seeing your subscribers' activity makes everything easier. Especially when it comes to calling them. When you know what messages they have opened and clicked on, you will know their progress!
(I could go on an on about the awesome features of Aweber, but I think you should just try it for a buck and see for yourself!)
Overall, Aweber blow GetResponse out of the water. For a little bit more, Aweber is definitely worth it. (Not to mention that it's only $1 for the first month!)
Although it only offers 4 split-test messages, that is plenty in my opinion! (And besides, 1 more split-message doesn't surpass Aweber's better features!)
Are you ready to transform your business?
Take action and stay consistent with it!
"Enjoy Your Coffee"

Michael Stanley

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