Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"But We See Jesus..."

Good morning and Praise God!!

I must greet you with such enthusiasm this morning, because realizing once again how Great, and Powerful your God is is, makes your Spirit just cry out "Yes!! Lord Yes!!".  I love each and every one of you and my prayer is that you find comfort and shelter in the Almighty. Yielding yourself to the Holy Spirit Of God for direction in every aspect of your life.

Imagine  yourself walking down the street, on your way to pay a bill that you don't have the money for.  Just for a moment you allow the spirit of doubt to interfere with what you know is true.  As you walk, thinking to yourself  "What am I gonna tell these people?"  Been there?  Almost everyone has at some point in their lives.

My point being, when confronted with the question,  Why should there be any other thought than the truth?  For some reason we have forgotten that, as Believers our very existence should be grounded and rooted in the truth.  The world say's it's socially acceptable to make an excuse or give a "more believable" reason why or why not.  But lets examine what the Word says about the truth.  Proverbs 12:17 states "He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness:  but a false witness deceit".  And then again in vs. 19, it says "The lip of truth shall be established for ever:  but a lying tongue is but for a moment".  These are just a couple of examples, there are more.

Back to this walk.  Have you ever heard that the battle is in the mind.  Nothing more true  could have ever been said.  Because now your mind is working as fast as it can to come up with something.  It's not a good feeling knowing that for whatever reason you're in this position.  You're in it.  It's at times like these many turn to different vices of this world, But when you've done all you can, God knows it and he has a plan for your life.  Realizing this, a smile crosses your face, and silent you say "thank you Jesus"

So You start to praise God for all He's done, continuing to walk you began to reflect upon your first encounter with the Holy Spirit, you begin to identify yourself with Christ, you start to realize the promises of God, all of a sudden this trip doesn't seem so bad.  No, you don't have the money to pay the bill.  Only God knows what the outcome will be. Continuing to walk, you realize that everything around you has taken on a different look.  You begin singing praises because in your Spirit you have peace.  This goes on right up to the door. Before going in, you decide to go to the restroom for a final prayer.  On the way through the door you realize that there is a $100 bill on the floor of the first stall.  Right away you run to it and look around and think well "Thank You Lord".   But are you sure?  You know the people that work there, if it were one of theirs it could cause something in their home to go lacking.  What do you do?

I used this example because we are faced with this decision in life more often than not.  We know what's right, and what's true.  Why is it so hard to do what's right?  Most of us have been taught wrong.  What I mean by that is, we were taught to go to Church.  We that taught that a man takes care of his house.  We were taught if we were baptized, we were saved.  So as we grow up we polish these things we were taught until they shine.  Only to find out that the right thing to do is let the people in the office know that you found a $100 dollar bill to insure that you are not taking away from one of God's children.  Psalms 127:3 states "Lo, Children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward".

In Hebrews 2:9 opens with "But We See Jesus..."  Imagine if we were to apply that phrase to every situation that we face in this life.  For instance The rest of the world is watching the economy struggle, but we see Jesus!  The rest of the world sees sickness, poverty, and destruction, we see Jesus!  Many people have bad expectations for the future, we only see Jesus!

Seeing Jesus is a choice, a lifestyle, which shapes your existence and defines your expectations.  When Peter walked on the water toward Jesus, as long as he saw Jesus he was able to defy nature.  But once he took his eyes off of Jesus he began to sink.  The same thing happens to us today.   See Jesus, and make Him your default.  That way, should anything happen that you're unable to handle.  Jesus and the Word of God is your default.  This is a very good place to be.

In John 16:33, Jesus reminds us that He has overcome the world.  Choose to see Jesus and don't let the things of this world cause fear or anxiety in our lives.  Choose to live victoriously and "See Jesus" in every situation and watch your expectations be completely transformed.  Praise God!   Enjoy Your Coffee"

Michael Stanley 

1 comment:

  1. Michael, I love your example giving. It's practical and real and we can always relate. The revelation that the Lord gave me today through song was 'when nobody sees you, I see you'. God sees us when we feel forgotten overlooked and dismissed.
